Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Media Critique: NZ Herald

by Katie Ruscoe, 19 January 2016

  "Inspired by yesterday's groundbreaking coverage of Max Key's break-up, I've used my impeccable In-Design skills to put together this Herald Digital Bingo Card! To play: simply blot out each one of these journalistic triumphs as you find them on The Herald website or Facebook page (works equally well with Stuff!). If you prefer to do your Herald reading drunk then you could probably also turn this into a drinking game - highly recommended for those looking to get truly lit. Suggestions welcome, enjoy!"

Quite a handy rubric to work from for our Manchester St front pages!

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Possible combo: handshake, bag and booklet?

Hold the lavender er

Text for booklet / Image for booklet

Glitter handshake text…

1 We rework, tweak an existing textual musing on the glitter handshake performance and our wider practice…

2 Or we go with a fictional/poetic/ambiguous text… that compliments the image we choose

3 Or we focus mainly on an image with limited text…

1. Rework/draw on the text (or parts of) we included in our Casino application :

If + Trust
28 April 2012
Intervention at Magic Bar, Rotterdam, NL
Intervention components: Glitter Handshakes (performance at entrance), Do you Trust Me? (video installation in stairwell), Queer Contract (projected image in main bar), FFF+ currency (notes stamped by bar staff), F+ cufflinks (poster over bar), More Trust (posters in bathroom).

A glitter-encrusted handshake greeted every guest at the door to Magic Bar in Rotterdam. For
one night only, All the Cunning Stunts performed a welcoming, smiling, glitter transfer, that, like
our other interventions into the space, permeated the evening with alternative forms of circulation and economies of tRUst. “Do you trust me?”, we asked, via a seductive video portrait, shrouded in gold and continually calling out to the audience. The question mirrored concerns alluded to within
a short text piece (installed in the bathrooms for ultimate intimacy): What other kinds of economies are present? Can we renegotiate the limits of our trust? Queer our contracts? Taking centre stage
in the main bar, a digitally adjusted, colour-stained, image bank image of a business handshake is celebrating its emancipated symbolism, projected on a screen, as if frozen, like a corrupted power point presentation. Perhaps we are witness to the illusive queer contract in action? Hard currency did not escape comment either, as we engaged the bar staff in an illicit performance: every euro note that passed through the till as visitors purchased drinks was stamped “FFF+”, bearing a reference to its historical precedent the early ‘70s ‘gay dollars’, the power of the positive ‘fail’, faggots, femmes, females, et al. These euro notes are now free to re-circulate, an artwork distributed through the channels of daily exchanges within the EU.

2. I realise I must have lavender binoculars on at the moment - why else would I post pale lavender shag pile carpet!

What if the colour of glitter we use for this performance is - Lavender - (eek) and (while this is pretty cliche - it could possibly work - we could connect glitter handshake to economies of trust… through a ficto-text that references lavender?

Option A: This is from an old blog post for Magic Bar research: http://allthecunningstunts.blogspot.co.nz/2012/04/holy-shiz-trust-can-be-seen-as-ecomonic.html

Lavender is any object or record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context. The main functions of Lavender are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally in the past, a standard of deferred payment. Any kind of object or secure verifiable record that fulfills these functions can serve as Lavender.

Lavender originated as commodity Lavender but nearly all contemporary Lavender systems are based on fiat Lavender. Fiat Lavender is without intrinsic use value as a physical commodity, and derives its value by being declared by a government to be legal tender; that is, it must be accepted as a form of payment within the boundaries of the country, for "all debts, public and private".

The Lavender supply of a country consists of currency (banknotes and coins) and bank Lavender (the balance held in checking accounts and savings accounts). Bank Lavender usually forms by far the largest part of the Lavender supply.

Option B: This is a poem I wrote that refers to a person called Lavendula:

Lavendula, Lavendula

There’s a girl on your hockey team called Lavendula. It may come as a surprise that you are on a hockey team but never mind that. Lavendula says she likes sandy or gravelly soil best. It’s true that she plays a better game on grass than she does on synthetic turf. She tells you that you can squeeze her for essential oil, however you decline very politely. She tells you that bees are often attracted to her, and that it is in her power to produce boutique honey. She’s prepared to sweeten dishes, though she will not collaborate in potpourris. In Roman times, a person might’ve paid the equivalent of fifty haircuts from the local barber for a pound of her extremely distant relatives. Lavendula stops coming to hockey practice. You aren’t surprised. You call her and get no answer. Over the next few weeks you continue to make enquiries. No one can say for sure that she moved to Auckland, however a mutual friend confirms that she boarded a train to get there. The friend says a bird landed on the electric wire just past Hamilton and burst into flame. This delayed Lavendula for two additional hours. After calling this friend to communicate news of her hellish twelve-hour journey, Lavendula dropped off the radar. On your way to work this morning you press the pedestrian light knob as usual on Kent Terrace. Someone has plucked a stem of Lavender and left it balanced on the rim of the button. Lavendula, Lavendula, you whisper to yourself, and ponder who and what she might be infusing at this very minute with her redolent fictions.

3. We focus on an image (such as the Trust Me/Don't Sweat Me text/image Liz created) with some minimal text accompaniment...

Where do we want to place the emphasis? On an image or on a text or bit of both? We have limited space. I'm available to work on this tomorrow so any thoughts as to what I might work on would be superlative.


Tuesday, 12 January 2016

A glitter shag welcome...

Still thinking a bit in cliches so forgive me - my thoughts went 'shag' tobacco - shag as in euphemism for sex, shagged as in real tired, shag pile carpet!

A lavender shag carpet...the moneylenders feel cushioned...
A carpet or rug, either manufactured or improvised, covered in, no luxuriating in glitter...

It's like sweating glitter and getting like all up in people's shoes...

Placed at an entry/exit point...
A glitter shag welcome...

The rug could continue it's business of glitter greeting even when we are not there?

Too literal? Too messy? Too shaggy?

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Glitter Handshakes, a review

Cross pollination / fertilisation potential 
Woahmanchester Street meets Glitter Handshakes
Performance 10 - 14 February!!!
Opening night 10 Feb, 6 - 10 pm

unproofed version of Art Rotterdam booklet for manoYmano

Last year's Art Rotterdam booklet, courtesy Vincent


unproofed version of artvertising for manoYmano for Metropolis M magazine

Werkplatz floorplan, approx (SYB is no 9) (I will email pdf version)

SYB's site, beyond the post: there will be a big Tom Kok floor work in the foreground. Workshop on the left still had technicians working in it today (and singing opera in bass!). Photo courtesy Erica 

again, back half is SYB: including 2 video works, a textile/banner ... Photo courtesy Erica 

Its the old werkplatz/workshop buildings that used to service the Van Nelle factory. The workshops extend in a row and are located across the driveway from the Van Nelle factory building, most of them have been converted into office spaces for creative industries. There are a few down the end that have just been cleared out, with all the small details of former activity still left in place. "Van Nelle Shag" (tobacco) sign is still hanging there in the SYB space. The Van Nelle building / family has an important place in local / national history as a colonial merchant company. I will try and find more research, but I'd appreciate it if you could have a little search yourselves, even if just on the wiki page.....

Google Satellite, the factory and grounds. Our werkplatz is located in the top of this image ^ in the apex.

Ok, this might make it clearer?

An exterior view, with arrows to the two doors

Possible image for the booklet?? ps Marnie I really don't think this image has been over exposed yet...

MS suggested alternative #1

MS suggested alternative #2

Possible text for the booklet? MS sais yes

Bag of Glitter anchor? Image courtesy of Catclub's NYE party, Facebook
MS sais yes

The thinks that need doing:

Text for booklet / Image for booklet (by the 14th Jan)
Source glitter, colours?
Decide on whether we also have a permanent object ie a bag of glitter
Tone, language, phrasing, eyecontact etc of handshake welcome (protocol/kawa)
Outfits: Do we need to concern ourselves with what we wear?
Shot list for the photographer, documentation (http://www.asmallproductioncompany.nl/)

hands 'n hands

SKYPE? Weekend? I am available all but Saturday evening. 
Please lovingly feedback to the above with brilliant and trivial suggestions/comments and state yr stunt availability.

ok, late entry! More images of the site, courtesy Machteld Rullens:

From the back of the space, looking through to the entrance to the restaurant on the right

Pole, possible position for glitter bag, if the floor work isn't there...

Small room (previously an office?) possible projection space

Machteld is considering hanging banners from the ceiling, but see the fluro's and natural light source (although it's currently dark by 6pm)

A sign from the past/present

Nice detail Machteld!


Cool iron girder moveable via this pulley system!

In the back wall between the two figures is the other entrance/exit point. There is a possibility that the yellowy part of the wall will be dismantled.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

So Gay! stocktake

 We launched So Gay! in 2011 in an edition of 250

it seems like years ago...


its front cover was influenced by this family shield phenomenon, as brought to our attention by RO. 

so pared back on the cover

so colourful inside

the writing's on the wall, we're running out...?...!

I have four copies!
Clare, you have one right?