Tuesday 1 December 2015

a live audience...

stunt coordinator, usually an experienced stunt performer, is hired by a TV, film or theatre director or production company for stunt casting that is to arrange the casting (stunt players and stunt doubles) and performance of stunts for a film, television programme or a live audience.


  1. WOAH. :) ? ///// !!! <3 ?? XXX I'm looking forward to getting my non-verbal reactions into words for these new images soon RO! In the meantime, this Robyn video by SSION made a visual match: http://www.vevo.com/watch/SEWKZ1500102?syndicationid=bb8a16ab-1279-4f17-969b-1dba5eb60eda&shortlink=avkt5a&country=US
    Love the continuous set transitions!
