Monday 30 November 2015

Liking the vibe?


  1. Super nice! I was thinking also about potential magazine/newspaper titles (Desire Daily, Body-Building, Bed Times...) but LOVE the inclusion of an Oprah-style self-titled magazine.

  2. Hey, ha, I like bed times!. I watched a bad in a bad way first episode of a web series called Vag Mag recently. Great name (but essentialist too much?, a bit yeah). Oprah style platform puts AtCS in a hosting role rather than a subject role, interesting. I used the NME template to insert us in a visual language we haven't adopted yet - one that's closer to our perceived demographic, and so maybe more challenging to detourne in-a-good-way.

  3. Oh, funny, I was just thinking about what it would mean to insert the Top Twins signed cover into the series as one of the posters... but maybe it would work super well as a press image. Solving press problems months in advance. Next Level Stunt.

  4. Yes, I agree with harvesting more from mags that you might find at the dairy on Woahmanchesterstreet (RO site visit hidden camera phone mission?), but I was thinking more about Oprah in terms of a self-titled magazine platform. It's a particular kind of hosting, no? Like, Oprah/AtCS become a umbrella image-persona-meta-structure to platform others (like the star of our film)?

  5. Like the star of our movie/film/video! Who is that again? ANyone got a description of them yet? Oprah has so much starpower that a brief mention of a book on her bookclub means the launch of millions of $ale$. Its a confident approach. Yes, harvest more genres of magazines! Imogen Taylor's No Idea cover just drove home the trope quality and made me want to have a dig at a more close-to-indie-home version. Woman's Weekly started to feel like easy pikkin's for parody and critique. Of course the Top Twins version is doing something quite different, homage.

  6. I reckon the most coolest (sorry that's as articulate as I get today!!!) way to describe this star is with the movie poster/s. Like start with the character through image, text and graphic, and then exposé a (potentially conflicting) celeb figure through the confessional pull quote of the magazine covers.

  7. I would love to look back on RO's rich magazine collages for the move poster/s. Like go slick on that.

  8. Woahmage,
    which reminds me of Spiral !
    Rachel... feel like a drove into the archives? I can do the initial emailing if you like?
