Wednesday 25 November 2015

skype - brainstormoodboard

[25/11/15 21:07:46] liz allan: Gooieavond?
[25/11/15 21:08:21] Rachel O'Neill: mooning
[25/11/15 21:08:35] liz allan: mooning scribe!
[25/11/15 21:10:02] Clare Noonan: Woop
[25/11/15 21:10:19] liz allan: yuss!
[25/11/15 21:10:30] liz allan: Call started
[25/11/15 21:35:14] liz allan:
[25/11/15 21:35:33] Rachel O'Neill:
[25/11/15 22:12:58] Rachel O'Neill:
[25/11/15 22:18:00] liz allan: my road was built for a certain kind of activity that no longer takes place
[25/11/15 22:18:24] liz allan: I am a road that no longer takes place
[25/11/15 22:19:03] liz allan: Im recovering from a post-internet context in real time
[25/11/15 22:19:58] liz allan: I'm an exposure method
[25/11/15 22:20:42] Rachel O'Neill: It's not an urban movie it just has a building in it
[25/11/15 22:21:54] Rachel O'Neill: cement is very intense
[25/11/15 22:23:05] Clare Noonan: Its less about the street and more about the footpath
[25/11/15 22:24:49] liz allan: where doesn't the street stop the footpath's intensity
[25/11/15 22:24:50] Clare Noonan: Broadsheet broads
[25/11/15 22:26:31] liz allan: I'm waiting for celebrity
[25/11/15 22:27:06] Clare Noonan: Is she like b grade or is she like f+ grade
[25/11/15 22:27:35] liz allan: I want my cover!
[25/11/15 22:28:13] Rachel O'Neill: A pussyfoot stole my computer
[25/11/15 22:29:40] Clare Noonan: Then I just realised it was wind in the willows
[25/11/15 22:29:54] liz allan: My thinking is Christchurch or bust!
[25/11/15 22:30:03] Clare Noonan: Cunting down the avon
[25/11/15 22:30:35] liz allan: My drive for coherence
[25/11/15 22:30:43] Rachel O'Neill: I was on drugs at the time but I trusted reality
[25/11/15 22:31:25] liz allan: Where the street ends I begin
[25/11/15 22:31:49] liz allan: I'm stuck in the middle of my own meeting
[25/11/15 22:33:17] liz allan: I am begging to google my denouement
[25/11/15 22:33:33] Clare Noonan: Well need some road coads for the middle
[25/11/15 22:34:32] liz allan: where's my trailer ??
[25/11/15 22:34:49] Rachel O'Neill: Orgy in the middle?
[25/11/15 22:34:50] Clare Noonan: I parked it in Mel's garage
[25/11/15 22:35:27] liz allan: make-up ain't gunna cover my character flaws
[25/11/15 22:35:42] Clare Noonan: Secret silence broken. I only just joined social media yesterday
[25/11/15 22:35:51] liz allan: for real?
[25/11/15 22:36:12] Clare Noonan: Begins with I ends with gram
[25/11/15 22:36:20] Clare Noonan: I gram
[25/11/15 22:39:18] Rachel O'Neill: regionalist my property, says outsider
[25/11/15 22:40:14] liz allan: Salacious headline wraps fish and one scoop
[25/11/15 22:41:44] liz allan: My leading ladi is 1980's Chch
[25/11/15 22:42:33] Clare Noonan: There's nothing straight about the Avon
[25/11/15 22:43:22] Rachel O'Neill: take a bow, dudebros
[25/11/15 22:43:49] liz allan: rubble be my wardrobe, city planning be my confessional
[25/11/15 22:43:53] Clare Noonan: SOMETHING OUT OF A CAR WINDOOOWWWW
[25/11/15 22:45:24] Rachel O'Neill: Dust on the cusp
[25/11/15 22:45:44] liz allan: I was a straight road that longed for more
[25/11/15 22:46:13] Rachel O'Neill: More is my middle name
[25/11/15 22:47:47] Rachel O'Neill: the models are not post street they just seem to be over street
[25/11/15 22:49:20] Rachel O'Neill: Less is my middle name
[25/11/15 22:50:02] liz allan: the extras are carefully cast road cones and they're hi vis
[25/11/15 22:51:14] liz allan: I was cast asunder and I came out a leading ladi
[25/11/15 22:53:29] liz allan: I was cast as under and I came out on top

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