Thursday 25 February 2016

A mOod BoArd: I really don't know what's happening here....

or why there's so much shaving going on, but, such is the process! 

+ more more more!!!

(ps. the parts are resonating formally, the message is less of a focus ATM)

// and then I thought, well, why not reintroduce something a bit literal and literally pictorial, and what about all that site imagery I made... 

and so I think there's somehow a Canterbury rugby colour thing here, right?? And the retro aesthetic of RO's waterfall imagery is making an impact on the overall aesthetic and its becoming a bit, Hitchcock? Something like that. Anyhow, you'll notice the four panels, a little nostalgia in the dimensions there (lightbox era, sigh!). XXXX Hugs from this night owl!


  1. Wondering how you're all thinking about the relationship of the ChCh specific images I've just added to this post and the GLU context. MS you mentioned you were thinking on the Woahmanchester title and its colonial reference. Keen to chat more about this and sense making to both sites!

  2. digging the brochure like purple dressing room screen like backdrop with the city plans LA… and totes about the canterbury colours… responding to that soooon...

  3. ! :) I put my file in the dropbox if it's useful! xx

  4. LOL, I read that as "I put my life in the dropbox if it's useful!"

    1. In hockey games in high school I remember my team shouting out to each other "put your body on the line!!!" to encourage that extra-human effort. Or maybe that was just me shouting, lol.
