Sunday 28 February 2016

Skype 28/29 February

Physics Room/North Projects
Road Movie of Intrepid Dimensions

A Family Genre Comedy 

Promo Image 
Happy with the most-recent "Promo?" image. With Liz's suggestion of more recent work (in the top, upside down image, perhaps Clare's recent waterfall image) and add GLU title to upside down postcard. With "PARTY" spray-paint on top of the postcard on the left and a little bit more of the "T" of politics visible. Clare asks if LA can prepare the files? Clare can send the layered file of original rdam file to Liz.

- Dates
PRoom has an opening on the 18th
RO has a WUNZ meeting at 1pm on the 23rd
The pride event on the 24th is a men’s only underwear party, on the 25th is a 'T' party by Agender, and the 27th is the closing party of Pride.
So it sounds like March 24 would be the best. We need to talk to Mel about what kind of opening would we want? Like will it be an opening
- Blurb about project
Include a tie-in for the GLU pages.
- Locations
P Room Stairwell (make with paper?) + extras for all the LGBTQ community centres RO visited. If we have the budget?
Phantom framed poster spaces (make with paper?)
Community Gardens' Fence (make with: rip stop (heavy grade) banner vinyl with eyelets; corrugated plastic with little ridges; ABS plastic, high-density foam board?)
Red Cross window (make with vinyl?)
Dairy (possible glass space for posters on the exterior -- make with paper?)
North Projects fence (make with:

We need to confirm budget.
We need dimensions and specs for each site.

Marnie to email Mel with practical info, details, site list and questions about budget tomorrow. 

Skype with Mel?


  1. Email from Sara, the GLU designer, just in!:

    Hi all,

    so happy that you will be in the magazine, and love the proposal of moving between contexts!

    Here are the technical and dimensional details of GLU:

    Format of magazine: 210 x 280 mm
    Color space: RBG
    File format: TIFF or PDF
    And important: add 3 mm bleed on all sides of your files, to make sure bleeding images bleed off the page…

    All the best, and looking forward!

  2. Hey Liz and Stunts, your comment last night, Liz, about wanting everybody to comment on every post on the blog was a good reminder to me about how important responses are to keeping the feeling of making things together. At the same time, I also know that sometimes for myself it is really not possible to respond to every post directly, maybe because things are going on in my life that are keeping me offline, or I find it more exciting to respond in the form of a new post, with new material (maybe with a bit of a delay too) -- all this to say that if I don't comment it is not because I am not looking and thinking about everything that people post and enjoying it all. It was good to be prompted to think about how I personally perceive a collaborative conversation, and that it is not the same for all of us, and I will try to adjust things. But I might not be able to do it all the time. So I hope somewhere in the middle is OK.
