Sunday 28 February 2016

Maps as Paravent


  1. PS: what mysterious timezone is our blog on?

  2. !!! San Francisco or Abu Dhabi according to this:

  3. Love the strewn around-ness of the details in this MS! The faq a reality by atcs has been a fave for ages too. Thinking (something like) this would work as an info image for Physics room? I really like the before the show/opening look...
    I don't think that Mel has given us dimensions yet. Perhaps we just determine them ourselves?? In which case, if its in a mail out or on FB some of the details are going to get lost.... How about a few clocks? Made out of masks... ooooooh...

  4. Oh, clocks would be lovely! Sometime when you have, like heaps of spare time, you should go to the new ABN AMRO bank on coolsingle and look at their clock, it's kind of cool. Do you want me to send you the layered file on email? xM

  5. clocks in place, ladder to the ready!

  6. Gorgeous Marnie!!

    I also think they could work well as info image for Physics Room.

    What about a clock, a ladder and a fitband?
