Wednesday 9 March 2016

A revised selection, with love from MS

For the map, I LOVE your suggestion RO, here is a slightly adjusted version with our title and sub-title:

For the Physics Room stairwell, Pride, et al, I am all for a re-portrait-formatisation of the press image. This is the old draft as a stand-in:

For the Phantom framed sites, three images:

This one, with the ladder, but without the clocks (see below for a suggested migration).

I really love this as a possible way to collage the magazine covers together. So, like this but with more of the magazine covers included.

LA, I was thinking that the clocks would be great here, as a extra to the image that multiplied the natures of time being followed. I like all the Casting Call? echoes in this group. 

For the Community Gardens fence:

Gardens always need rain, plus community notice board... 

For the window of the Red Cross (#fashion, #women, #classy, #publicprivatepublic #bodyparts #time):

For the Health & Awareness Centre -- bodies, happiness and finance (need more info on this site though to be sure, and still not clear on the car. Maybe this graphic could move to the magazine cover collage):

For the North Projects fence:

AND, for your working needs, this album is super great:


  1. OK, comments seem to be working fine, but new-post notifications are not. So here is a pointing towards my revised selection and notes. xxxM

  2. Looking forward to your selections tonight LA and CN!

  3. Thanks reminder, I'm going to thinkon it for a couple of hours. Stay Tuned!!!!

  4. Ps. CN and LA, don't forget to add a comment reminder when you post because the email notifications for new posts are not working!

  5. Ps. CN and LA, don't forget to add a comment reminder when you post because the email notifications for new posts are not working!
