Sunday 13 March 2016

Waring_Time new version

I like the way this image is not too busy with details, it gives a bit of variation to the series...
I've put the digital clock in with two local time zones (9:30... sound familiar?) flipped and reversed 
and have laid the sundial on the floor and attempted a perspective approximate Roysdon ode with perspective ignoring play button 

comment me!

newnew version with different sundial perspective...

+ out now: without sundial image frame...

+ without sundial!

my perspective is still non-rational
I'll find something to copy if anyone wants to see a 3d CGI type version,

but first off, with or without the sundial base: figurative or abstracted?

so, figurative it is, thanks MS, agree.

Introducing sundialpinktriangleplaybutton (sunny)


  1. Hey LA. Thanks for werkin on this. I am totally digging the digital clock/z, as a graphic it really sits in the image like it was made for it. And great to have the sense of a possibly two-way image (cause they are reversed). The sundial is perfect in pink. I have an urge to see it without the black base and maybe even without the light-brown underneath? The pink sundial shape (in version 2) has youtube-play-button potential....

  2. Thanks for your feedback Marnie! Here is the sundial looking less like an image and more like an object; and an abstracted version with simply the pink play button and a purple triangular shadow. Thoughts? Preferences?

  3. Oooo. This is a tough one! The abstracted version is very elegant, and I can see it vibing well with Rain Bro's sophisticated-graphic-ness. But, the small 3D sundial is warming my heart. So I think my vote would be for the 3D sundial. I always appreciate the inclusion of graphic elements that look like they walked on to the wrong set just as the camera started to roll!

  4. see new sundial... (it is actually sunny today in the flatlands btw)

  5. Sign-off from moi! Love it. xxxM

  6. Looking fab, Liz. Also love the digital clock and its situation. Can you quickly clarify which one is the small 3D sundial that Marnie refers to? Is it the 'sundialpinktriangleplaybutton'?

  7. Yep, that's the one! It reminds me a bit of the empty dildo box photo from the Courtenay Place work. Pink and presented to.
