Wednesday 9 March 2016

A selective memory

I really love all the images that Marnie selected for the Manchester street visualisation and sounds like I'm not alone on this. For woahmanchester I've actually just made a comment/idea around repetition and an idea for a visual for the map.

When I was looking through our posts, I found the images/texts I wanted to pull back into focus were ones that could really fuel the GLU work, so I've put these up first. Some of these images could also still feed into woahmanchester selection, but given the magazine format of GLU, I think they'd look particularly sharp and promising.


AtCS present the family issue/The Family Issue...?

Still not quite sure how I'm focusing our recent GLU posts on family and community towards the finished spreads but the magazine cover has heaps of potential (in terms of our recent creations as well as potentially featuring the Topp Twins cover in some way) as does the family movie/poster.

I really like Liz’s mag cover with analysis - especially the way subtext, double meanings and humour can be garnered from ‘analysis’ that may or may not match the imagery - there’s potential with lines such ‘the magazine sometimes covers current affairs’  and it pointing to ‘And, er, quite a lot more,’ as well as framing the literal realities of the magazine cover medium amidst the imaginative/poetic/abstract/weird.

I really love the brainstorm of one liners that happened on Skype - perhaps we can include these in some way?

[25/11/15 22:27:06] Clare Noonan: Is she like b grade or is she like f+ grade
[25/11/15 22:27:35] liz allan: I want my cover!
[25/11/15 22:28:13] Rachel O'Neill: A pussyfoot stole my computer
[25/11/15 22:29:40] Clare Noonan: Then I just realised it was wind in the willows
[25/11/15 22:29:54] liz allan: My thinking is Christchurch or bust!
[25/11/15 22:30:03] Clare Noonan: Cunting down the avon
[25/11/15 22:30:35] liz allan: My drive for coherence
[25/11/15 22:30:43] Rachel O'Neill: I was on drugs at the time but I trusted reality
[25/11/15 22:31:25] liz allan: Where the street ends I begin
[25/11/15 22:31:49] liz allan: I'm stuck in the middle of my own meeting
[25/11/15 22:33:17] liz allan: I am begging to google my denouement
[25/11/15 22:33:33] Clare Noonan: Well need some road coads for the middle
[25/11/15 22:34:32] liz allan: where's my trailer ??
[25/11/15 22:34:49] Rachel O'Neill: Orgy in the middle?
[25/11/15 22:34:50] Clare Noonan: I parked it in Mel's garage
[25/11/15 22:35:27] liz allan: make-up ain't gunna cover my character flaws
[25/11/15 22:35:42] Clare Noonan: Secret silence broken. I only just joined social media yesterday
[25/11/15 22:35:51] liz allan: for real?

I like this selection and balance of imagery and phrases in the mag-cover format. Also like how the shaving brush stands in for the 'celebrity' or 'model' that usually sells the magazine. For example, is this what Kirsten Stewart looks like without make-up?

Love this image, something about the upside/down of the coats - northern and southern hemispheres - as well as the mysterious clothing arrangements - reminds me of Liz's comment about the non-human figuration of one of my collages - the geese, I think, that lets the viewer project the desire/readings of desire into the image, rather than being forced to take what's being offered as is usually the case with magazine imagery. What are we not selling?


There was a comment we made in the following skype notes about repetition repetition being one of the things we liked about the poster format - would it be interesting having the same poster in two different sites/slight variations - same poster at start/finish? Or repeated phrases? Or a timestamp on all images.... ? OR, is repetition already infused in the works?

Skype notes 04 11 2015 

Posters - how interested are we - QUITE


Posters are provisional
take on the surface they're applied to
we can go for suites
zones of quietness and activity
windy parts
'straightness of the street'
Posters can have a funny public service function - stamp out homophobia (Kanye West says so) to Women's Weekly covers signed by gay hands...

This would make a great image for the map to have at both galleries - I like that it puts the search for a leading lxdy at the forefront of the walk/map experience.

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